
SEO Impact Analysis SlideShare

Insights / 06.02.2016
Amy Carr / Executive Vice President

7/26/2023 10:33:22 PM Red Door Interactive http://www.reddoor.biz Red Door Interactive

This SlideShare presents three Search Engine Optimization (SEO) forecast and impact analysis models that account for multiple internal and external factors. These models include inputs such as seasonality, search trends, awareness, and economic trends among others. Red Door Interactive demonstrates the Simple Linear Regression Forecast, Multiple Linear Regressions Forecast, and our very own unique Impact Analysis Model. These models segment organic search traffic into incremental traffic, baseline traffic, and awareness traffic. This is generated through increases in on/offline media. If you’re looking to understand the impact of historical SEO projects and the potential impact of future SEO projects and their ROI, then check out this SlideShare.


SEO Impact Analysis Presentation from Red Door Interactive
  • Insights
  • Search Engine Optimization