
Planting a Seed: California Avocados and Red Door Spread the Word About Cinco de Mayo

Work / 07.28.2014
Red Door

7/24/2023 6:08:39 PM Red Door Interactive http://www.reddoor.biz Red Door Interactive

Project Overview

Red Door worked with the California Avocado Commission to get people ready and excited to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with hand-grown California Avocados. The California Avocado Commission is known for consumer-friendly promotions, and Cinco de Mayo was the perfect opportunity to share delicious, creative recipe ideas on their website and new blog, The Scoop


To generate awareness about the availability of California Avocados for Cinco de Mayo and to promote fresh, summer holiday recipes that feature California Avocados as the star ingredient.


  • Create a fully responsive landing page with Cinco de Mayo recipes 
  • Promote Cinco de Mayo recipes with creative callouts on the website
  • Promote the Cinco de Mayo recipes with Pay Per Click ads, Facebook ads, recipe emails, and social media content
  • Run and promote a recipe contest hosted on the blog (The Scoop)


For the recipe contest, we received 2,176 entries (1,350% above our goal) and gained nearly 10,000 new visitors to The Scoop blog with 13,582 total visits. There was a 50% increase in recipes printed, and a 37% increase in recipes searched on the website, showing that not only were people visiting the blog, but they were also engaging with the brand and enjoying the recipes they found.

California Avocado Cinco De Mayo

  • Blog Categories