
3 Themes Shaping the Future of Healthcare & Wellness

Insights / 07.23.2022
Red Door /

6/14/2023 10:46:16 PM Red Door Interactive http://www.reddoor.biz Red Door Interactive

Across all industries, brands and marketers have been grappling with how to navigate through, and out of, the pandemic. Businesses within the healthcare and wellness verticals have been uniquely impacted over the last two years, and in ways that will change how they permanently operate from here on out. Since we work so deeply with our clients across the health and wellness space — ranging from point-of-care, healthcare staffing, medical devices, nutrition, and more — we've highlighted key trends to share with others who are facing the same or similar challenges.

To better understand the changing dynamics of these industries, we’ve outlined notable topics that have emerged since the start of the pandemic:

  • The continued rise of ad spend in pharma and healthcare
  • Growing consumer interest in digital healthcare services
  • The role and importance of data regulation and new technology
  • Evolving behaviors of a more health-conscious consumer base
  • The impact of creative and digital experiences on younger audiences

These key topics and the specific experiences of our health and wellness clients can be boiled down to three main themes that we think will shape the post-pandemic future of these industries as a whole:

Theme 1: Data and advancing technologies are imperative to staying competitive

At the onset of the pandemic, there was a rapidly growing need and desire for virtual healthcare services so patients could feel as safe and comfortable as possible. Within the last two years, these advancing technologies have further supported healthcare brands in collecting patient data to better personalize their experiences.

Today, we’re seeing that the brands that consistently put the patient journey first and prioritize understanding and meeting their unique needs will only continue to prove their value as a healthcare partner and grow loyalty. Our MarTech team can help you understand how to integrate the right technologies into your marketing programs to provide a more personalized experience for your customers.

Theme 2: Hybrid models support a patient-centric healthcare system

As the world continues to adjust to new ways of living and working, healthcare and wellness brands are learning to better accommodate patients’ personal needs. The normalization of telehealth is a shift that will continue shaping the industry, with new and evolving hybrid healthcare models giving patients ownership over their own health journey like never before. For example, according to a 2021 McKinsey survey, “more than 60 percent of consumers expect to be able to change or schedule a healthcare appointment, check medical records and test results, and renew a medication online”—in short, more convenience and control at their fingertips.

Furthermore, beyond technological advancements to support their changing lifestyle, patients expect more holistic wellness support as well, such as a greater focus on longevity and mental health. As a healthcare/wellness brand, it’s important to consider these cultural and technological shifts that point to hybrid models of care, so you can be better poised for an increasingly patient-centric future.

Theme 3: Establishing brand hero content helps build trust

In the midst of all the changes and evolutions in the last two years, one element remains crucial in tying it all together: brand perception. While product awareness is always a priority, how you weave it into your brand story is equally important. Customers care just as much (and sometimes more) about the who and the why as they do the what. Brands should invest in establishing awareness around key brand hero content:

  • Purposeful: This aligns with my values
  • Relatable: This is for people like me
  • Aspirational: This can improve my life
  • Emotional: This makes me feel something

Why? A positive brand outlook helps build brand trust, which in turn is essential for remaining competitive in this market. Our Creative & Brand Strategy team at Red Door has the experience and expertise to help you uncover your unique brand story, and how to layer that into your marketing plan to ensure you’re telling the most impactful message at the right time.

Your trusted partner

At Red Door, we’re not only here to plan and manage our clients’ programs but are proactive in understanding the larger context of the changes in our industries, the world at large, and how those shifts might impact the future of their businesses. Ready to learn more about our collaborative approach? Contact us today.

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