
Meerkat or Periscope - Which is Right For Your Brand?

Insights / 06.15.2015

4/22/2024 9:44:56 PM Red Door Interactive http://www.reddoor.biz Red Door Interactive

Meerkat or Periscope? Periscope or Meerkat? Both livestreaming apps launched in the spring of 2015, and quickly caused one of the most notable app battles to date. Livestreaming is nothing new to the social media community, with apps such as Ustream.tv and Stingwire both offering the service for some time now. But, as Meerkat’s South by Southwest debut went viral in the digital space, so did livestreaming. This attention prompted Twitter to release its competing product, Periscope, which had previously been in the works. Since their debuts, the two services have gone back and forth in creating updates to get the upper hand in the competition leaving brands and consumers alike wondering which app to use. To better understand these two products, we’ve broken down their differences below. 

Meerkat & Periscope Features

Both apps have similar features, such as availability for IOS and Android, and viewer interaction with likes and comments within the stream. Beyond that, each app has its differences. Meerkat’s announcement of a public API helped to differentiate itself from Periscope. Both applications’ user growth have grown exponentially, but at different levels. 

This chart compares the features and user bases of Meerkat vs Periscope:

(Click to tweet this handy chart)

App Stats

User experience with each app has sparked different reviews and stereotypes. Meerkat has garnered a lot of buzz from viral coverage of its launch, giving it a recognizable name, but not a large amount of understanding of the app’s user experience. Periscope seems to have captured the user experience, with a simplistic interface and calls to action that allow the app to be more intuitive. Knowing some usage statistics within each app may help your brand decipher which is “best” for you.

Meerkat vs Periscope Stats:

Which live-streaming app is better for your brand?

Depending on the goals of your brand, these different platforms could serve a different purpose. Meerkat currently has all of the “buzz,” with its celebrity usage and SXSW virility, which can be utilized for high profile events. Periscope has been noted to be more intuitive and user friendly, with a cleaner looking platform, which may be better for a behind the scenes or a Q&A where users are more actively involved. Either way it is used, livestreaming has made its stake and can be used for successful audience engagement in real time

Here are some thought-starting of how livestreaming can be utilized:

  • Broadcasting behind-the-scenes at events
  • Sneak peeks into company offices or products
  • Live Q&As with a brand influencer or executive
  • A new product reveal or live company announcement

Do you have a passion for Periscope or Meerkat? Tell us which livestreaming app you favor in the comments below.

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